We at Ask Chris Jefferson want you to be satisfied with your purchase of our products.
If you have any questions or problems, please let us know by contacting our support team directly.
Self-Paced Program Refund Policy:
In the event that you decide your purchase of our self-paced program was not the right decision, contact our support team within 30 days of your purchase. We will review your request and attempt to help correct any issues you may have encountered. If we cannot resolve the issue to your satisfaction, we'll issue you a prompt FULL refund.
To be eligible for a refund for the self-paced program, you must submit your request before 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time on the 30th day following your purchase. After you submit your materials, all refunds for the self-paced program are discretionary.
No refunds will be provided for the self-paced program more than 30 days following the date of purchase.
Payment Plan Obligations:
If you opted for a payment plan and you do not request a refund for the self-paced program by the end of the 30th day, you are required to complete the remaining payments of your payment plan. All payments must be made on a timely basis.
Coaching-Inclusive Program Refund Policy:
*Please note that all coaching-inclusive programs, including group coaching, personal coaching, texting, and similar services, are not eligible for refunds. We do not issue refunds for any purchases where coaching is involved.*
Discretionary Refunds:
All refunds are discretionary. If you just downloaded the training material (PDFs, audios, videos, etc.) and then promptly asked for a refund, we reserve the right to deny your refund request.
If it is clear that you did not implement the strategies taught in the self-paced program, your refund for the self-paced program can be denied. However, we will still help and support you to get results.
The purpose of this policy is to provide an opportunity for individuals to try the system and receive a refund for the self-paced program if they are not satisfied. It was not designed to enable people to misuse or take advantage of our training materials.